How many dolphins can you spot in the picture?

Optical illusions and brain teasers are a fun way to challenge yourself or others while keeping your mind sharp. Often, people come across an image that makes them do a double take, needing a second look to confirm what they’ve seen. This brain teaser features cute dolphins that are sure to confuse and intrigue the mind.

How many dolphins can you spot in the picture?
Surprisingly, there are 17 dolphins. Some are clearly visible, while others are more subtly hidden or camouflaged within one another. The first row contains 5 dolphins, the second row has 6, and the third row also has 6.

At first glance, you may only spot a few dolphins. But after a few moments, your eyes and brain begin to recognize more, eventually revealing all 17. It’s fascinating to note that it’s quite common for people to miss several dolphins at first. Even if you missed one, there are plenty more for you to discover!

Give another teaser a try!

For example, this stunning image initially appears to have only a few tigers.

In fact, there are 16 tigers in total.

Maybe you missed a few tigers. Give it another go with squares!

If you guessed 40, you’re right!

How Optical Illusions Work

Most people feel a bit defeated when faced with a brain teaser or optical illusion—and for good reason. These puzzles not only help keep our minds sharp and healthy, but they’re also designed to trick us, forcing our brains to work harder to interpret what we see.

According to Inside Science, “When you look at something, what you’re really seeing is the light that bounced off of it and entered your eye. Your eye converts the light into electrical impulses that your brain can turn into an image you can use.” This process takes about a tenth of a second, but because your eyes receive a constant stream of information, your brain has to filter and simplify what it processes.

It’s like trying to drink from a firehose—there’s just too much information at once. So, your brain takes shortcuts to focus on what’s most important. Optical illusions take advantage of these shortcuts to trick our brains into seeing something that isn’t there.

Alike Yet Different

While optical illusions and brain teasers both challenge the mind, they aren’t exactly the same. Optical illusions are typically visual puzzles that hide something within the image, prompting you to slow down and focus on the details. On the other hand, brain teasers require you to use logic and reasoning to find a solution.

Both are excellent ways to keep your mind sharp, and they’re also a fun way to trick those around you. If you’re up for more challenges, check out the articles below for more brain teasers and puzzles to try!